
Yesterday, DHS extended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti for an additional 18 months, through August 3, 2024, and also redesignated Haiti for TPS, allowing Haitian nationals residing in the United States as of November 6, 2022, to apply for TPS. A Federal Register notice with full details will be published soon.

“We are providing much-needed humanitarian relief to Haitian nationals already present in the United States. The conditions in Haiti, including socioeconomic challenges, political instability, and gang violence and crime – aggravated by environmental disaster – compelled the humanitarian relief we are providing today.” - Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro N. Mayorkas.

Want to learn more about TPS, who is eligible, and how to apply? Check out this article. If you have any questions and would like to speak with an attorney, please contact Hope Immigration today.

